If you enjoy the selected item, simply click on the photo and see a full description of the product and / or more of his photos. The selected product is added to the cart by clicking on the button "Add to Cart". Information on the values of selected products, their number and the storage is located in the upper right hand corner.
If you have forgotten something, we can return the cart to the store and add new products to the cart. Finally, please select a payment method.
Please note that if we choose a form of payment: prepayment, your order will be shipped after receipt of payment to our account. After checking all the details of your order, you can confirm and place your order (Check out). If you already have an account, you can login (login). If you are a new customer you can register. (Sign up) .. when placing the order
If the order form customer's data is incomplete, the order will cease. Please include your phone number so that if you experience any problems can be quickly resolve them.
We wish you pleasant shopping. Please browse, compare, pick and choose products. The selected item is put into the basket using the button: Add to Cart. Insertion of the product is not the same cart with his purchase and does not involve any financial implications. Summary information on the contents of your cart - the number of loaded goods there, about what you have added to it recently - it is still displayed at the top shopping sites on the right. From every place you go in the shop by clicking the Shopping Cart and view all of its contents - names, their number, and the price of your purchase. In the basket you can make changes - not just add to it more merchandise, but also remove the previously added or change the number of products ordered. You can also remove the error-added products icon, remove''.
Every registered customer has a vhplus.com own basket. If you would like that the products in your shopping cart waiting for you on subsequent visits, you have to register. If after checking the contents of your cart are going to continue reviewing the offer, follow the link back to the shop at the top of the page.
If you want to buy what you have in your cart, please use the button Realuzjuj order
If you have any questions, please call +48 790 86 86 86. +48 533 86 86 86 or email vhpluspl@gmail.com